Lecturas recomendadas
Carlino, Andrea. La fabbrica del corpo. Libri e dissezione nel Rinascimento. Torino: Einaudi; 1994.
Cunningham, Andrew. The Anatomical Renaissance. The Resurrection of the Anatomical Projects of the Ancients. Aldershot: Scholar Press; 1997.
Mandressi, Rafael. La mirada del anatomista. Disecciones e invención del cuerpo en Occidente. México: Universidad Iberoamericana; 2003.
Andretta, Elisa. Juan Valverde, or Building a ‘Spanish Anatomy’ in 16th Century Rome, Florence: EUI Working Papers; 2009.
Ferrari, Giovanna. Public Anatomy Lessons and the Carnival: the Anatomy Theatre of Bologna; Past and Present, 117, 1987: 50-116.
Klistenec, Cynthia. Theaters of anatomy: students, teachers, and traditions of dissection in Renaissance Venice. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 2011.
Mandressi, Rafael. Affected Doctors: Dead Bodies and Affective and Professional Cultures in Early Modern European Anatomy. Osiris, 31, 2016: 119-136.
Park, Katharine. Secrets of Women. Gender, Generation, and the Origins of Human Dissection. New York: Zone Books; 2006.
Schupbach, W. The Paradox of Rembrandt’s ‘Anatomy of Dr. Tulp’. London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1982.
Skaarup, Bjorn. Anatomy and Anatomists in Early Modern. Spain. Farnham: Ashgate; 2015.
Páginas de internet y otros recursos
Historical Anatomies on the Web. Disponible en este enlace.
Anatomy in the Renaissance. Disponible en este enlace.
Vesalius, Andreas. De humani corporis fabrica. Basileae: Ioannis Oporini; 1543. Edición digitalizada disponible en este enlace.
Transforming Vesalius. Disponible en este enlace.