Lecturas recomendadas
Bethencourt, Francisco; Egmond, Florike (eds.). Correspondence and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2007.
Ogilvie, Brian. Correspondence Networks. In: Bernard Lightman, ed. A Companion to the
History of Science, Oxford: Blackwell; 2016: 358-371.
Johns, Adrian. The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Makinf. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press; 1998.
Bots, Hans; Waquet, François (eds.). Commercium litterarium, la communication dans la République des Lettres 1600-1750, Amsterdam: APA- Holland University Press; 1994.
Briggs, Asa; Burke, Peter. De Gutenberg a Internet. Una historia social de los medios de comunicación. Madrid: Taurus; 2002.
Del Lungo Camiciotti, Gabriella. Letters and Letter Writing in Early Modern Culture: An Introduction, Journal of Early Modern Studies, 3, 2014:17-35.
Eisenstein, Elizabeth L. The Printing Press as an Agent of Change: Communications and Cultural Transformations in Early-Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1997.
Hunter, Michael. Editing Early Modern Scientific Correspondence: The Way Forward. Isis 107 (2), 2016: 365-372.
Mayhew, R. Mapping Science’s Imagined Community: Geography as a Republic of Letters, 1600-1800, British Journal of the History of Science, 38 (1), 2005: 73-92.
Steinke, Hubert. Why, What and How? Editing Early Modern Scientific Letters in the 21st Century. Gesnerus, 61, 2004: 282-295.
Warner, Michael. The Letters of the Republic: Publication and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-Century America. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; 1990.
Páginas de internet y otros recursos
Journal des Savants. Disponible en este enlace.
Philosophical Transactions. Disponible en este enlace.
El proyecto “Mapping the Republic of Letters”. Disponible en este enlace.
Networking te Republic of Letters, 1550-1750. Disponible en este enlace.