Ludwik Rajchman y Walter Cannon: Bibliografía y recursos

Lecturas recomendadas  

Barona Vilar, J.L.  The Rockefeller Foundation, International Diplomacy and Public Health. London: Pickering & Chatto; 2015.

Borowy, Iris, Coming to Terms with World Health. The League of Nations Health Organisation 1921-1946, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lange, 2009.

Brunton, D. (ed.) Health, disease and society in Europe. A source book. Manchester: Manchester University Press / Open University; 2004.

Weindling, P. (ed.), International Health Organisations and Movements, 1918–1939, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1995.


Balinska, Marta A. For the Good of Humanity : Ludwik Rajchman, Medical Statesman (Translated by Rebecca Howell). Budapest: Central European University Press; 1998.

Barona, J.L.; Bernabeu Mestre, J. La salud y el estado. El movimiento sanitario internacional y la administración española (1851-1945). Valencia: PUV; 2008.

Brooks, Ch.C.; Koizumi, K; Pinkston, J.O. The life and contributions of Walter Bradford Cannon 1871-1945. New York: State University of New York; 1972.

Cueto, M. (ed.), Missionaries of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation and Latin America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press; 1994.

Löwy, I. and Zylberman, P. “Introduction. Medicine as a Social Instrument: Rockefeller Foundation, 1913–45”, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biology and Biomedical Sciences 31:3 (2000), 365–379.

Palfreeman, L. ‘Salud! British Volunteers in the Republican Medical Service during the Spanish Civil War’. Sussex: Academic Press/Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies; 2012.

Wetherby, A. The Medical Activists: Humanitarians, Activists, and American Medical Relief to Spain and China, 1936-1949, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Oxford, 2014.

Wolfe, E.l. Walter B. Cannon, Science and Society. Boston: Harvard University Press; 2000.

Zunz, O. Philanthropy in America: A History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.


Cannon, W.B. The wisdom of the body. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.; 1939.

Ludwik Rajchman Lecture before the Royal Society of Medicine, 9 April 1924. Archives of the League of Nations, Dos. 34707, 1924, 1 doc, cart. 931.

Melville D. Mackenzie, Medical Relief in Europe. Questions for Immediate Study. London, Oxford University Press, 1942.

Páginas de internet y otros recursos

Walter Bradford Cannon. Wikipedia. Disponible en este enlace.

Ludwik Rajchman. Widipedia. Disponible en este enlace.

UNRRA-In the Wake of the Armies. The National Film Board Canada. Disponible en este enlace